Using a combination of Holistic Counselling, Kinesiology and Life Coaching you can learn how to live your life on purpose with joy and optimism.

Energy Workshops
Over 11 years of exploring the energetic and subtle realms has led me to have my own unique connection to energies, energetic beings and practices.
I run regular workshops on
*Meeting and working with your guides
*The energy of money and how to expand it in your life
*Rituals and ceremonies to open up your own relationship with the spiritual realm and energy *How to work with different tools and so much more
See House of Trinity calendar for upcoming dates and topics.

Reclaim is an 8 week 1:1 in person or online program that works to bring you back to the best version of yourself. As you heal the relationship with yourself , you get to live your life on purpose.
Connecting to all elements and archetypes of the divine feminine within we reclaim Her.
Whether its post breakup,
divorce, kids leaving home, death in the famiy, illness or some other change in life, sometimes we need to find ourselves again.
Reclaim involves healing past wounds, resetting your nervous system and getting in touch with your inner knowing.
If you'd like more information book in for a discovery call.