8 Weeks to reclaim all the parts you suppressed, gave away or made wrong. 

Reclaim your confidence, relationships, desires and the power to fulfil them.

 A course for women to remember who you are, a reclaimation of your younger self but with the wisdom of the years. Each week we will look at a different phase of womanhood, in order to  reconnect with and integrate your past experiences.

Through Reclaim, you will bring back your joy, your confidence in who you are, and how you show up in the world. Reduce your anxiety and enhance your ability to communicate in a way that allows you to be heard, and your needs wants and desires to be met. 

Reclaim your relationships with others and yourself, enabling you to forgive, and to receive, giving a sense of stability, and optimism about the future that allows you to take action and create the life you deserve.


What is it:

  • 8 week group course, providing connection
  •  1 x 90 minute call each week on zoom that will be a mix of teaching, expressing and experiencing. (recorded if you can’t attend in person)
  • A different healing, download or guided meditation each week that will be available to listen to as many times as you like.
  • E-book of weekly slide notes, journal prompts and individual homework to help processing each week
  • A 45 min Kinesiology session 1:1 with Libby at any time in the 8 weeks
  • A 30 min energy download session with Robyn Holland any time in the 8 weeks
  • A facebook group to connect and share
  • Also available to do as 1:1 process

When: 7pm Qld time, Wednesday 29th May- 17th July ($777 early bird) $888

More Information about Reclaim

Reclaim, is an eight-week course designed to guide you through different aspects of your life, connecting you back into You. It invites you to rediscover the parts of yourself that have been silenced, hidden away, or lost in an attempt to keep you safe in a world where little girls should be seen and not heard, young women should be polite and demur, mothers should be selfless homemakers, middle aged and old women should be grateful to be allowed a seat. 

Each week we will explore a different aspect of the divine feminine, deep diving into how it was for you, what you might have let go of and what you want to bring back into your life, to once again feel in alignment with your highest potential. Each session will also inclde a healing or guided meditation which will be available to you to listen to as often as you like. 

The e-workbook will be a helpful guide with the notes from the weekly call for you to refer back to, and questions to journal and homework to do in your own time if you choose to help the integration. 

The Facebook group will serve as a secure space, where you can share your progress, provide support, and receive encouragement from fellow travelers. 

As an added extra each participant will receive a 45-minute Kinesiology session to relieve any obstacles, turn off any nervous system overload or challenges that may arise through the course. This session can be utilized during the eight weeks or up to two weeks after completing the course. This is for anything that you are perhaps needing extra support to shift or process or to have clarity on. 

Also a complimentary 30 min session with Robyn Holland who is a gifted energy healer, to help bring in helpful insights, downloads and clearings you may need.